Doctors, You Have a Lower Risk of Getting Divorced … Unless You’re a Woman

Common wisdom may lead to the assumption that doctors are ripe for divorce. After all, they tend to work long hours and experience a high level of stress on the job. Certain doctors, like ER physicians and gynecologists may need to rush off to work in the middle of the night to save a life…

How to Negotiate for Your Children’s College Costs During a Divorce

Even if your children are young at the time of your divorce, you still need to keep college in mind. Your children’s college tuition is likely to be one of the greatest future expenses you face, and even if you get full custody of your children, you should not have to shoulder that burden alone….

Can I Still Visit My Grandchildren After a Divorce?

Watching your child go through a divorce is a difficult experience, especially when emotions get hot. What’s even worse is the possibility that your child’s spouse will receive full custody of your grandchildren and may seek to prevent you from having contact with them. Divorce has a tendency to bring out the worst in people,…